Q. What can the ENT specialist detect by using the Fibroptic Nasal Endoscopy?
A. Technology has revolutionised the way ENT doctors now can examine their patients using a device called the Fibre-optic nasolaryngoscope. This device has helped ENT doctors in inspecting and examining the whole of the upper aerodigestive tract (nose, nasal passages, sinus drainage pathway, back of the nose, back of the tongue, soft palate, tonsils, lingual tonsils, pharynx, larynx, trachea and even the upper oesophagus). Any disorders or abnormality within the upper aerodigestive tract can be detected by the endoscope, this is subject to the examination on the day, the examiner and the tolerance of the patient. The endoscope can be connected to a camera system and the view can be projected into a screen, this is called video-nasolaryngoscopy. The benefit of the video-nasolaryngoscopy that the examination can be recorded and replayed to the patient. Not only the endoscope can help in detecting obvious lesions and abnormality, which previously was not possible due to access, but it has vital role in diagnosing specific conditions with the aid of some manoeuvres and specialised equipments:
- Inspection of sinus drainage pathway and blocked sinuses
- Help in diagnosis of snoring and sleep apnea
- Help in diagnosis in voice box related disorders
- Detection of head and neck cancer and mucosal lesions
- View into the upper part of the windpipe and to exclude stenosis
- View into the upper part of the gullet to exclude lesion
- Can be used to help in therapeutic manoeuvres
- Used to detect risk of food and drink aspiration in a test called FEES (functional endoscopic evaluation of swallow)
- Inspection of the sinuses and nose after surgery
- Monitor in patients with head and neck cancer after treatment
Finally, recording the endoscopic examination of the patient would help in documenting and recording their progress after treatment for direct comparison. The video can also securely be uploaded & sent for secondary opinion and senior review if the patient was seen by a junior member of the ENT team.